Alasdair AllanAlasdair Allan has been an SNP MSP since May 2007 representing the constituency of the Western Isles.

Alasdair Allan gained a PhD in Scots Language from Aberdeen University in 1998. Previous to becoming an MSP, Alasdair was senior media relations officer for the Church of Scotland. He regularly wrote Gaelic columns in various newspapers and was named Gaelic journalist of the year in 2006. In addition he was also the National Secretary of the SNP from 2003 to 2006 before he resigned to fight the Western Isles seat.

Outside of politics Alasdair sings with the Back District Gaelic Choir in Lewis, with whom he has competed in the National Mod.

Tha Alasdair Allan air a bhith na bhall-pàrlamaid Albannach airson Pàrtaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba bhon a' Chèitean 2007 airson Roinn-taghaidh nan Eileanan Siar.

Fhuair Alasdair Allan PhD ann an Canan Albais bho Oilthigh Obar Dheathan ann an 1998. Mus deach a thaghadh mar bhall parlamaid bha Alasdair ag obair mar oifigear naidheachd airson Eaglais na h-Alba. Bha e a' sgrìobhadh colbhan Gàidhlig gu tric airson diofar phàipearan agus ann an 2006 bhuannaich e an urram bhliadhnail airson fear naidheachd Gàidhlig na bliadhna. 'Se Runaire Nàiseanta a bh'ann airson a' Phàirtaidh Nàiseanta eadar 2003 agus 2006 mus do leig e seachad an dreuchd airson a bhith na thagraiche airson sgire Na H-Eileanan Siar ann a taghaidhean Parlamaid na H-Alba.

Taobh a muigh poileataigs tha Alasdair a' seinn comhla rithe Coisir Sgìr' a' Bhac ann an Leodhais, agus bith e a seinn còmhla riutha aig a' Mhòd Nàiseanta Rioghail.

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