Na h-Eileanan an Iar SNP MSP, Alasdair Allan, has welcomed the publication of a review of the governance arrangements within the Crofting Commission.
The report identified a number of failings, and Rural Economy Secretary, Fergus Ewing MSP, has asked the Crofting Commission to take urgent action to improve performance in crucial areas.
Alasdair Allan MSP commented:
“The report which has been published is a welcome step forward after what has been a far from easy time for the Crofting Commission. It identifies that “strong personalities, differences of opinion and incongruent individual objectives” have seriously affected the governance of the Commission.
“The report also looks specifically at some of the issues arising from the Commission’s dealings with two common grazings committees in Lewis. This report shows a willingness by the Scottish Government to open up a frank debate about how to ensure the Commission functions better in future.
“I hope that, together with the forthcoming elections for the Commission, this is now an opportunity to help move the Commission forward and allow it to concentrate on promoting the interests of crofting for the future.”