SNP MSP for Na h-Eileanan an Iar, Alasdair Allan, has written to the UK Government after its Animal and Plant Health Agency instructed CalMac not to accept any unaccompanied livestock on ferry journeys of over three hours. This is part of a new “Type 2 Transport Authorisation Licence”, which requires someone on board to be trained and able to euthanise animals.

The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) has in previous years requested that CalMac apply for a Transport Authorisation Licence to transport live animals, but this requirement has then always been rejected, following legal advice on CalMac’s part. On this occasion, however, APHA has rejected CalMac’s appeal, and CalMac are now engaging with legal counsel, Transport Scotland, NFUS and other stakeholders to allow for a resolution as soon as possible. For the meantime, unaccompanied livestock are now unable to be transported between Barra and Oban, and on a number of other CalMac routes.

Commenting, Alasdair Allan MSP said:

“I have been in contact with CalMac about the new rules that have been imposed by a UK Government organisation that does not seem to understand the implications of its decision. These regulations seem to be trying to fix a problem that does not actually exist, and creating many more problems as a result. As the Scottish Crofting Federation and others have rightly pointed out, it is nonsensical to suddenly require crofters to employ a vet to travel with animals between Barra and the mainland, or instead send the animals on an alternative route with a slightly shorter ferry crossing but a much longer road journey, which is worse for the welfare of the livestock.

“I have written to the agency on this matter and will continue engaging with constituents and the relevant organisations to resolve this problem as soon as possible.”



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