SNP MSP for Na h-Eileanan an Iar, Alasdair Allan, has written to Openreach, who maintain UK telephone and broadband lines, urging them to conduct urgent repairs on a phone line connecting many vulnerable Western Isles residents to the Faire Telecare Network.

The network, operated by Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar’s Social and Community Services, provides a phone link for vulnerable and elderly people, by connecting them to the Alarm Receiving Centre, and from there to a network of neighbours and volunteers.

The service does require a telephone line. However, one of the lines used for the service was recently cut by accident. Whilst Openreach have been working to repair the line, residents have been told they could have to wait up to five working days before the telecare network is operational again.

Following the news, Allan commented:

“Naturally, the prospect of having to wait nearly a week to get this vital service operational again will be a great concern to many families.

“This is a truly lifeline service, provided in both English and Gaelic for some of the for some of the frailest and potentially most isolated people in the country.

“I have contacted Openreach to ask what they will now do to expedite these repairs in order to ensure that the system is fully operational again as soon as possible.

“I would urge anyone who is experiencing difficulties or knows somebody who is unable to use Faire to contact me.”


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